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Director : Takuma Nakata
Design : Haruka Yamagishi
Unity : Junnnosuke Hara

Produced by SoVeC




vvvv ( a bit )

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Modeling, animating, and simulation of the scale of the site were done in Blender. And since the final delivery was in Unity, some script had to be written to relocate the animation to reduce the size of the final data.

Since we knew in advance that the biggest challenge of full remote development would be communication discrepancies, we decided to keep sharing the screenshots via cloud constantly for the team to be able to check the current progress and whether there were any gaps between design and tech.





Since the beginning, we expected that we'll be struggling with the size of the data. Therefore, in advance we spent some time developing the look in a balance with the data size.

We then researched motifs from the traditions of the Tohoku Area with the meaning of exorcism against today's coronavirus, and designed them in 3D with pop light color for children's to believe in their bright future.

The result than turned out to be a Dharma doll that tumbles and then stands up again, an Akabeko floating like a balloon, and a Sendai Tanabata umbrella that spins around and sprinkles happiness.



The situation didn't allow us to visit Tokyo, but the experience only happens when we're in Tokyo, so we built a rough 3d model of Tokyo station in Blender using Google Earths image and measurement to simulate the experience.

By placing 3D models with it's animation into this virtual space, we prepared an environment that allowed us to rapidly adjust while simulating in detail with the scale of actual people who would be experiencing.



A huge object suddenly appears in the sky above Tokyo Station.

This project we were in charge to design, was part of the AR project that East Japan Railway, KDDI, and SoVeC teamed up to design for the HAND! in Yamanote Line

This experience using the XR Channel developed by SoVeC is a bit different than conventional AR that scans the surroundings and makes an object appear. It uses a technology called VPS (Visual Positioning Service), which summons an AR object only to the coordinates specified by GPS and makes it interact with surrounding buildings.

So our mission was to use this technology in combination with a motif from Tohoku area.


3D Design


Signed Coral C //

Fully Generative Creature

Synesthesia Hills

Immersive Illumination Direction


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